Benevolent House Child Placement Agency

Respite Care Services

Complete the preparation and training to become a respite care provider to support caregivers.

Complete Your Training to Support Individuals with Special Needs

Our comprehensive program equips individuals with the skills and knowledge to become exceptional respite care providers. As a respite care provider, you can provide temporary relief and support to primary caregivers.

Why Choose Our Respite Care Training?

While there are many options to complete your respite care training, our program offers an extensive curriculum and connections for those seeking to support foster caregivers in the Northern Texas region. When you choose Benevolent House Child Placing Agency for your respite care training, you will be prepared to support foster caregivers in need.

Master Our Detailed Curriculum

Our curriculum for the respite care training covers a range of topics that will ensure you are adequately prepared to meet the needs of individuals with special needs. These topics relate to caregiver responsibilities, safety and emergency measures, communication and engagement strategies, personal care, behavior management, medication management, and cultural sensitivity.

Experience Support from Our Community

One of the many benefits of taking our respite care training is the supportive community you will undoubtedly interact with. As part of our training, you become part of our tremendous respite care providers and caregiver community. By connecting with fellow trainees and sharing your experiences, you will enjoy community while accessing necessary support throughout your caregiver journey.

How to Get Started

We would love to hear from you if you’re interested in our respite care training! Here are the following steps to begin your respite care training:

  1. Contact us to sign up for our training: Fill out the registration form on our website or contact us directly to express your interest in joining our next training class.
  2. Attend training sessions: Once registered, you will receive information and sign up for your first classes. Engage in our interactive sessions to learn all essential caregiver skills.
  3. Obtain certification: Upon completing your training sessions, you will receive an official certificate honoring your success in finishing the program. From there, you can begin to work as a respite care provider!

Are You Ready for the Next Steps?

Are you ready to make a difference in the lives of individuals with special needs? Contact us today to get signed up for your first training session. We look forward to supporting your journey to becoming a certified respite care provider!

Quick Links

Adoption Services

Achieve your dreams of parenthood and service by adopting children in need.

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Fostering & Kinship Services

Provide temporary or long-term care for foster children in a nurturing and stable environment.

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Resource Center

Donating to our resource closet provides essential support for foster care families and children.Learn More

Schedule A Call

Choose a convenient time to speak with us to learn more about our services.
